Welcome to tsunagu Japan’s crowdfunding page.
Here you will find information about exciting made-in-Japan crowdfunding projects including:
- New project ideas (ideas that may or may not come to life)
- Projects launching soon
- Live projects
- Past projects (already finished)
New Project Ideas - Vote for ones you like!
Mug Matcha From Shizuoka
Mug Matcha From Shizuoka
Upcycled Matcha Incense Project
Upcycled Matcha Incense Project
Launching Soon - Sign up early for special deals
TAFU - Classic Japanese Survival Knife Forged in Noto
TAFU - Classic Japanese Survival Knife Forged in Noto
Japanese Whisky-lover’s Kiriko Glass
Japanese Whisky-lover’s Kiriko Glass
Live Projects - back now on Kickstarter
Past Projects
Magic Japanese Coffee Brewer
Magic Japanese Coffee Brewer
The Minimalist’s Lacquerware “Oryoki”
The Minimalist’s Lacquerware “Oryoki”
tsunagu Knives - Upcycled Japanese knives for a cause
tsunagu Knives - Upcycled Japanese knives for a cause
Tsugaru Lacquerware for Kids
Tsugaru Lacquerware for Kids
240 backers|SHINBU
240 backers|SHINBU
198 Backers|Art T-Shirts
198 Backers|Art T-Shirts
312 backers |Seasons of Japan Cups
312 backers |Seasons of Japan Cups
193 backers|Washi Journal
193 backers|Washi Journal
167 backers|Kyo-Karakami Kit
167 backers|Kyo-Karakami Kit
621 backers|Saibashi
621 backers|Saibashi
188 backers |TATAMI YOGA MAT
188 backers |TATAMI YOGA MAT
About Us
tsunagu Japan Crafts is a project by the team behind tsunagu Japan, one of Japan’s leading websites sharing information about travel and Japanese culture.
Our mission is to connect (“tsunagu”) Japan and the rest of the world, be it through articles about Japanese culture or crowdfunding projects introducing high quality made-in-Japan products.
We’re trying to create a community of people who love Japan and it’s culture, so we hope that you will join us!